WOW, There are so many types of chicken!

#1 Silkie Chicken – A very cute fluffy ball with black skin and meat

#3 Brahma Chicken
A very large and beautiful chicken breed. It is the second largest breed of chicken but the largest single chicken ever recorded is a ginat 3 ft. tall brhma chicken named Merakli (source). The chicken is easily recognigeable fo its size and feathers on shanks and toes.

Source: Canva, Ourpets HQ
#4 Ayam Cemani
Ayam cemani is a rare breed of chicken that is all black, from inside and outside. As mention in National Geographic, “
The Ayam cemani chicken may be the most deeply pigmented creature on earth. Not only are the bird’s feathers, beak, comb, tongue, and toes a striking, blue-ish black, but so are its bones.
Even the chicken’s meat looks like it has been marinated in squid ink.”

Source: Canva
#5 Playmouth Rock Chicken
Playmouth rock is a domestic American breed chicken. Though it has few other colors, the commonly found chickens feathers are kind of patterned, sharply defined black and white

Source: Canva